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Inselspital, Bern

Refitting listed luminaires


Beraplan AG from Lyss was charged with refitting the listed luminaires at Inselspital Bern. Beraplan specialises in electrical planning and building automation. The company engaged Tulux AG from Tuggen to carry out the renovation of the light fittings – and was impressed by the excellent execution. Thanks to Tulux, the listed luminaires now comply with modern lighting standards while still maintaining their original appearance.

Lory-Haus and Anna-Seiler-Haus, Inselspital Bern
Building owner
Insel Gruppe AG, Bern
Electrical planner
Beraplan AG, Lyss
Refitted custom luminaires in accordance with the requirements for listed light fittings


The Lory-Haus, built in 1930, and the Anna-Seiler-Haus, built in 1953, are two of the impressive buildings belonging to Inselspital Bern. Both buildings are listed, which means that when it comes to the luminaires, the shape, appearance and character of the basic fittings need to be maintained. Thus, only the interior construction of the luminaries could be refitted. In concrete terms, this means installing an LED fixture inside the luminaire. In collaboration with Tulux, Beraplan accordingly refitted the luminaires in the hallways of the Lory-Haus and the conference room of the Anna-Seiler-Haus.

When it comes to tackling projects that need to be tailored to meet individual requirements, Beraplan likes to work with Tulux. CEO Andy Rindlisbacher and deputy partner Beat Hänni have been impressed by Tulux’s professional work for many years. Tulux works with professional advisors who plan and carry out the refitting process together with the Tulux team. Thanks to the collaboration with Tulux, Beraplan was able to find a sustainable solution for Inselspital Bern that complies with the requirements for listed luminaires. Tulux is able to assess, reconstruct and refit luminaire structures in a resource-friendly way. Tulux is a specialist in this unique service area, and one in which Beraplan places its trust. Andy Rindlisbacher and Beat Hänni value Tulux highly:

“Thanks to the professional, reliable and sustainable collaboration with Tulux, we are able to deliver 100% satisfaction to our customers.”

Andy Rindlisbacher, Beraplan AG

Electrical planning
Beraplan AG from Lyss has been carrying out electrical planning for Inselspital Bern for many years. This includes the unique lighting concept for the hospital’s listed buildings. Electrical power is extremely important today, but progressive and sustainable solutions are expected. This calls for forward-thinking electrical planning that meets the necessary requirements. Beraplan has been providing tailored solutions for electrical planning and building automation for over 30 years. The company relies on the substantial knowledge of its eight electrical specialists. Together, they find the perfect solution for each project in terms of energy and the environment.