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We have been producing swiss luminaires since 1948.
That is when Albin Huber-Landolt, together with his wife Louise Huber-Landolt, started producing fluorescent lamps. The idea to enter the new luminaire market came from Paul Pfister-Pierini, a first-class expert in the electronics sector. Thanks to his excellent contacts, TULUX AG was able to win major electronics wholesalers as its clients. 

In 1949, Albin Huber-Pfister joined his father’s company and took on the area of new customer acquisition. From 1955, the second son, Louis Huber-Hüppin, having completed his studies in elec-trical engineering, also worked in the family business as technical manager. Together, the two brothers Albin and Louis Huber transformed the small business in Tuggen into a company operating on an international level, which is still managed by the third generation of the Huber family today. Then as now, these family ties laid the foundation for one of the most important luminaire manu-facturers in Switzerland, and ultimately for SWISS LIGHT CREATIONS.

What started as a one-man operation in 1948 is now a family enterprise with 200 members of staff, producing over 8,000 different luminaires.


Begin of the lighting production
The first luminaires are produced.
1951 The name «Tulux» is mentioned for the first time.

Positive economic situation leads to large investments
The first large construction phase takes place.
1965 The former sole proprietorship is transformed into the joint-stock company «Tulux».
1967 The company builds its own photometric laboratory.

The company continues to grow despite an economic slump
Tulux has 150 employees.
1980 Years of technical innovation.

Years of investment
Doubling of the building volume to 100'000 m3.
1993 Tulux Lumière SA in Cortaillod is established.

Changes in market and technology
The focus of the lighting industry shifts from design, lighting technology and ergonomics to energy efficiency.
2010 Due to numerous regulations and bans LED-technology plays an even more significant role on the market.